Metrum News

In Honor of Rare Disease Month

Written by Diane Reynolds | Apr 29, 2022 1:54:08 PM

Each February, Metrum Research Group raises awareness for our fight against rare diseases. We kicked off February by highlighting a few of these rare diseases, sharing the effects of the diseases, and the hope MetrumRG's work efforts provide.

In addition to our month-long sharing of information, we also wear stripes in recognition of Rare Disease Day. The National Organization for Rare Diseases (NORD) encourages us all to use February 28th to raise awareness for the more than 7,000 rare diseases that impact millions of people around the globe. Participation by wearing stripes raised money that MetrumRG donates to NORD. 


This year, MetrumRG decided to extend the recognition even further. We grouped our employees into teams to decide on rare disease areas for donation consideration. Each team chose a rare disease and an associated charity, which were presented to our entire organization in April. Donations are being awarded to each charity, but the winning presentation for Myositis Support and Understanding is receiving additional donation funds. Our employees enjoyed working together, learning and assisting in the fight against these rare diseases.