
Showing Stripes and more for Rare Disease Day 2020

Posted by Diane Reynolds on Mar 25, 2020 12:52:33 PM


MetrumRG is committed to fighting disease. During the month of February, employees had a couple of opportunities to raise funds for Rare Disease Day. Show Your Stripes is the annual theme for Rare Disease Day, as the zebra is the official symbol for rare diseases in the United States. In addition to taking part in a potluck lunch, employees were invited to wear stripes on the last weekday of February. The company made a donation for each employee who proudly shared a photo of their stripes, which was a great way to get everyone involved as we have employees in states all across the country.

MetrumRG also had an event to give employee’s families a chance to join the fight against rare diseases. A local artist, Deborah Leonard, came to our office on a Saturday afternoon to hold a paint instruction event. Participants of all ages enjoyed painting together. All proceeds were donated to the National Organization for Rare Disorders.



Topics: Community Outreach