
Expand your knowledge of quantitative pharmacology--check out our online training resources and newly launched discussion forum!

Posted by Matthew M. Riggs, Ph.D. on Jul 16, 2020 10:30:00 AM

MetrumRG is proud to continue to be an educational resource for our community by offering open, free pharmacometrics training through a variety of mediums. The range of courses and training content, listed here:, includes a series of courses that were intended to progress from introductory through more advanced topics according to "MI" course number, e.g., MI210 (intro to pharmacometrics modeling and simulation) would be completed prior to MI212 (intermediate/advance topics), etc.

We have since added several "special topic" courses. In general, these are likely best done after completing the "MI" courses.

We also encourage individuals to periodically check our github site ( -- we often post our workshop materials to this site.  For example, the hand-outs/slides for the two workshops we taught at ACoP10 (Fall 2019) have been posted here:

Another example is our recently published tutorial on PBPK and QSP modeling (, which demonstrates how to tinker around in R using the mrgsolve package. Our github page provides code for the models and instruction on how to run them in R. If you’re new to using mrgsolve in R, check out our collection of resources, including videos to accompany the PBPK github examples, to get started:

Our intention of releasing these materials freely online is to foster self-guided development and learning, and as such, we are not able to provide certifications. Also, although we do refer to and use NONMEMⓇ in some of our courses, the software is only available through ICON (, and you'll need to contact ICON directly to obtain the program and licensing. Likewise, there are a variety of other tools and packages available, e.g., PsN, that also are available from other sources.

Lastly, we invite you to engage with us on our newly launched discussion forum! Join us at to ask questions to our scientists and engage in discussion with the scientific community. Our aim is to provide a space for scientific discussion and to share principles and methods with the community. We encourage you to become a member, ask a question or get a topic started--join us!

I hope that you find this information helpful. We welcome your feedback and comments.

Topics: Metrum News, Open Science